Como amantes del Arte en todas sus manifestaciones reivindicamos el pleno respeto por las libertades individuales, pues somos conscientes de que sólo sin censuras y temores de ninguna naturaleza el Arte se expresa plenamente. Sin ataduras, sin atajos, sin sombras que oblicuamente se metan en sus intersticios, el Arte alcanza su ideal de belleza al promover el conocimiento, la diversidad, las contradicciones, entre otras características propias de la vida del hombre en sociedad.

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014

Pedro Almodóvar: Love It / Hate It

“Pedro Almodóvar: Love It / Hate It”
Location:South CarolinaUnited States
Call for Papers Date:2014-03-30 (in 9 days)
Date Submitted:2014-03-19
Announcement ID:212364
Creator of often controversial works involving complex narratives, for the past thirty years, Pedro Almodóvar has been a visible figure within the Spanish film industry. His films have gotten him an enormous international recognition and he has even accused the Spanish governement last October (2013) of carrying out a rigorous plan to exterminate Spanish cinema. Almodóvar is by far the best known Spanish filmmaker among English-speaking audiences; those who watch his films will love him or hate him, and the possibility for finding a middle ground when talking about his work disappears.
This success is the result of a very heterogeneous cinematographic corpus, his films are transcending cultural and linguistics boundaries and through their ability to reach, touch, seduce- or sometimes disgust- his audience, what is it about him that connects so profoundly with spectators worldwide? The New York Times has called it, the Almodovaria, a syndrome from which many are more than happy to “suffer” his work.  How can we define this Almodovarian universe? Which ones are his main themes? How is Spain represented in his films? How does tradition play out in his films? What about genre? This panel examines such interrogations, evaluating the opportunities and challenges of the Almodovarian universe.
The main objective of the proposed panel is to provide a multidisciplinary academic approach to the work this Spanish filmmaker.
The 64th Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference will be held at Furman University (Greenville, SC) on October 16-18, 2014.
Papers can be in English, French or Spanish. Send 250 word abstracts to Carole Salmon, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Please title your email “MIFLC Almodovar Panel Proposal”

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